Tuesday, October 14, 2008

The Issues Relating to Myspace

What is the one thing that keeps you glued to your computer for hours? Keeps you distracted from reality? MySpace have become so popular over the past year. A company called News Corp. spent $580 million last year just to buy it. Then Google made a $900 million deal, just to advertise with it. Some students now say they are over MySpace and the new hotspot is Facebook. Jackie Birnbaum a student from Church High School says that she is over MySpace and that it is old news. She says that she spends more of her time on Facebook then anything else. MySpace has been around for about 2 ½ years and within that time it has 124 million profiles and is still growing to this day. MySpace allows you to have a profile, email, and photo album which can be shared with friends. MySpace has its advantages and disadvantages. Some of the advantages are that you can keep in touch with old friends, talk to new friends. But the disadvantages are that there are a lot of petafilers and just plain weird people. I have a MySpace account and when I first decided to become a member I was just glued to the computer for hours and hours at a time. I only joined it to see what old friends were up to and keep in touch with people I know. But now MySpace to me is just a distraction and can get very addicting on who is sending you mail and comments for your profile. People today will do anything to stalk and look at other peoples MySpace just to keep track on them. I think MySpace is good to a certain extent but after that it just becomes a distraction to reality and understanding the issues that really and truly matter in the world.

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